Today, a large number of people from all social strata are concerned about the robots taking the job.
But is it time to panic? The future is unknown. No one on Earth knows for sure what’s going to happen.
But if we look through history, the fear of the robots taking over our economy is unfounded. After all, such a disorder happens more frequently, in the historical sense, than you think.
We have to agree that advanced technology has influenced the change of traditional workforce and a multitude of occupations. How Much Do You Know Blacksmiths and Coaches? In the past, we have been dealing with the waves of industrialism and disorder by changing our skills and way of life. For centuries, it worked until our employment developed over time. But many today fear that this time will be different. The standard joke we hear so often is that “robots will take over all our jobs” and this has caused much concern in society.
We live in a digital, or technologically dynamic era. Progress in automation, artificial intelligence and robotics are at the heart of this new worry. According to McKinsey Global Institute’s report by 2030, it is estimated that around 350 million jobs will be lost. The second Oxford study predicted that almost half of the current workforce might disappear in the next 50 years. That sounds like a lot, as long as you do not take into account the fact that over a hundred years ago, most of the jobs were kept by agricultural staff. Today, this makes less than 2% of the world’s workforce.
Signs of time change are all around us in many ways. But some economists do not buy that hyper. Instead, they look at the data.
Robert Atkinson and John Wu of the Foundation for Information Technology and Innovation wrote a paper in 2017 under the heading: False Alarmism: Technology Disruption and the Labor Market in the United States, 1850 – 2015. One of the main metrics for measuring this disagreement with public opinion was something called a work outflow. This metric is tracked when people move from one company or industry to another because their jobs have disappeared. They found that the outbreak of 2000 was only 38 percent between 1950 and 2000. That means, on the Internet, the duration of employment is as stable as the 1950s.
Automation and advanced technologies increase our efficiency in our current business in many ways. For example, we no longer depend on slide rules or manual productivity devices. We are also far from the old wheelhouse pushing the cart on the farm. Working as a servomechanism for routine tasks, people are relieved to allow their creativity to govern and a higher intellectual function blooms.

As our productivity increases, we will use these tools to become more powerful in our work. This will lead to more professional career completion. Precisely on this subject, CEO Amazon and the richest man in the world, Jeff Bezos said:
“I predict that due to artificial intelligence and its ability to automate certain tasks that were impossible to automate in the past, not only will we have much richer civilization, but the quality of work will increase considerably, and most people will have calls and careers in comparison today. “
Perhaps we should prepare for a more optimistic future of work instead of being scared of it! 🙂