Remote and distributed work are here to stay – and technologies like augmented reality are helping employees and customers stay connected and resilient, even when they are not in the same place.

Remote and distributed work are here to stay – and technologies like augmented reality are helping employees and customers stay connected and resilient, even when they are not in the same place.
Dear partners, clients and friends! Happy Easter! 🐰 May this day bring you lots of happiness and love! BrodBotTeam 🐰🥚🖌🎨🐣🐥
Under the motto: – We don’t just imagine a better world, we help to create it.- We are happy to announce that we have become part of the PTC Partner Network as AR/IoT Solution Provider/System Integrator and a Vuforia distributor for the following area: Croatia, Czech Republic, Poland, Serbia, Slovakia and Slovenia.
Contemporary interior design is hard to imagine without the use of various types of 3D visualization tools. All those involved not only in interior design, but also in designing, manufacturing or selling furniture know how important 3D visualization is today while selling any product or service.
Not even the two successful entrepreneurs and people considered to be the most influential leaders in the world of technology – Jack Ma from Alibaba and Elon Musk, the owner of Tesla, could agree on this issue during a panel held at the World AI Conference in 2019, in Shanghai, so it is unlikely […]
Sigurno ste bar jednom u životu preuređivali neki dio svog životnog prostora. Svi oni koji jesu, dobro znaju koliko je stavki uključeno u taj proces. Sve počinje s idejom! Odabir stila u kojem želite oblikovati i dalje uređivati je ono za što se prvo morate odlučiti. Ponekad je teško zamisliti u glavi kako bi nešto […]
Svjedoci smo svakodnevnog tehnološkog razvoja. Čak je postalo teško pratiti trendove kad je tehnologija u pitanju jer se ona toliko razvila i toliko je primjenjiva da je gotovo nemoguće pronaći područje u kojoj nema implementiranih tehnoloških rješenja. Možemo čak reći da živimo u zlatno doba tehnološkog razvoja. Ta tehnologija predstavlja rješenje ranijih problemskih situacija, ona […]
In February our Brodbot team, with our colleagues from Connect IT and Helioz, had an opportunity to learn and participate in Crowdfunding three-day academy in Slavonski Brod. The Crowdfunding Academy is the first integrated education program for crowdfunding in the JI Europe area. The program enables trainees to acquire the knowledge needed to launch a […]